When You Say No To Support — Mamalode.com

“Through all of this, I stopped knowing who I was. I lost myself. Parents of kids who live with chronic and critical diseases and disorders are not quite whole anymore: they are assemblages of limitless energy, capable of morphing and moulding into whatever the medical system and their child’s symptomology demands. Rare disease Moms are first responders who have a Ph.D in their own child.”http:/http://I'm Published by Mamalode!

You can read my full post here:

Mamalode April 14

Writer. Book coach. Collaborator.

I help exceptional coaches and thought leaders go from idea to book. Author of Loving Large, available April 2020, pre order now on Amazon.

If you could do it yourself, you'd be done by now.

Find out more on how I can help you bring life to your book.

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